
Sunday, October 22, 2017

MOP Video: Episode 306: A. Malcolm


  1. Hi Girls! I had to fast forward your video to find out your thoughts on that “Willie bomb”! My gasp was so loud my husband came running from the next room. Lol I’m with Tracy! No no no!! And just a quick “What the...?” moment for me: Jaime’s expression and the way he first asked about Brianna. It felt like such an after thought to me. Like “Oh yeah! Hey how’s our child?” (Not sure if that seemed weird to you. I can’t listen/watch your show until tomorrow.)

    1. Totally seemed weird, yes. 😈Like two pals meeting on the street after 20 years. "Hey, how's your cousin, Bob?" LOL

  2. I didn’t watch your video, yet, but I can’t stop watching the show!!! Oh my word!!! Did not disappoint!!! How long does it take one wee couple to eat?!!! And such a cliff hanger ending!!!

  3. I am a book reader and I understand what you're saying about the part with the pictures. It was weird that he told her about Willy. Actually Lord John is the one that tells her before Jamie. I also agree he should have had more emotion looking at the pics, don't know why they did it like that, but I really did love the episode and they were great together.

  4. I don’t know ... I thought it was an excellent episode. It didn’t disappoint me. Just miss the PB&J!!

    1. ☺️ Glad I'm not the only one who was sad about the missing PBJ! ;)

    2. Me too. I thought they would show her throwing it out the window and someone picking it up gasping. A great chance for comic relief missed. Also, right with you with the pics. That was one of the most beautifully written scenes IN THE BOOK. But, love it all!!!

  5. Hmmm...where to start with Willie? HATED IT! I'm with you girls! So jarring, and so not Jamie. "That's great about this Brianna chick, Claire-horrible name choice, by the way-but let me tell you about my super braw laddie, Willie!" Um, no. Simply cannot figure out a reason for this reveal now...unless he meant to go further and spill the rest of his secrets, but then chickened out?

    Sam was so great in this episode, why take the going to pieces part away? I have to admit, every time you guys mentioned falling to pieces, I started hearing that classic Patsy Cline song in my head.

    You're right, ladies, when we book readers wanted the print shop scene, we wanted all the emotion and intimacy. Sex, too, but definitely secondary. Didn't need the four minute Wedding episode homage, although I did love that they showed the talking/laughing in bed scenes. I've really missed those!

    Wee Ian and Fergus were fantastic! Just awesome! I kept looking at Ian and thinking about all that is to come for him. I can't wait!

    1. "I kept looking at Ian and thinking about all that is to come for him. I can't wait!"

      Oh my gosh, yes! I did this exact same thing! No spoilers, but I loved his personality, polite, inquisitive, turning back to her wanting to say something else or ask a question, but then politely taking his leave. He. Was. Perfect. And Fergus, too. There was a true sense of Claire's maternal relationship with him, and a warm homecoming.

  6. Great review and I found myself nodding along the entire time. I actually felt sorry for Claire during parts of it and had I been her, setting one foot inside THAT brothel (not the posh place I'd imagined), I'd have been on my way back to "Craigh Na I Don't Think So" so fast.

    It's fascinating to see this edgy, slightly dangerous, older Jamie.

  7. Carol and Tracey,

    Please! Do NOT apologize for being book fans first! Folks who only came to this story through the show may not realize what a huge preexisting fan base this series inherited. Those of us that had anxiously waited YEARS to see our favorite characters and scenes put on screen were SO happy when word of the show was first announced, and excitedly began spreading the word and introducing new people to the books to prepare them for the fun to come. I contend that it was the enthusiasm of book fans that guaranteed so early on (wasn't it shortly after episode 101?) that the go ahead was given for S2. They originally promised they were going to make the show for the book fans and just trust others to love the story too. Though they strayed from that commitment in the last few episodes of S1, book fans continued to hope for the best. We HAVE had the rug pulled out from under us a few times, especially as regards iconic, well-loved scenes, along with a few bizarre character changes (Frank!). We book fans DO have a right to not adore every "creative" change that's made.

    I kept reading that episode 306 is meant to be a "love letter to the fans." My question is: Why shouldn't EVERY episode be a love letter to the fans? For it to be otherwise implies that they purposely intend to annoy - or I think they call it "surprise" - the fans. I'm sure part of it is the way these writers, through SM and TV screen time, have become mini celebrities and are expected to explain how they came up with their ideas. I suppose saying "I got it all from the book" wouldn't much impress their fans.

    Regarding Jamie not falling apart over Bree, to me it was very similar to the scene in 301 where they neglected to have Claire give one damn thought to Jamie when she first holds Bree in the hospital, but rather jumps immediately into apologizing to Frank. Really? It's the exact same loss of connection between the two of them and this child they created together, except that I DID perceive a reaction in Jamie during that long stare at baby Bree, and it was enough to make me cry. Then again, I'm sick and heavily medicated. :)

    I'm still watching your recap, but I'll just say that my overall reaction to this episode was positive. I love that there was so much that was recognizable in spirit, and frequently in words, from the book. They messed up a couple of things, but they also fixed a couple of things, too (Willoughby!). I loved that there was plenty of time for intimacy, loved Wee Ian, loved the brothel breakfast, and loved that they didn't turn Claire's morning bedroom into a complete French farce. I was ok with Jamie's glasses. If they felt they needed some nod to his age, I'm glad they chose something unobtrusive. The undressing scene WAS long, but I kept hoping we'd discover Claire had worn 60s knee high boots. Finally, it was good to see happy Claire again.

    As always, I appreciate the time you take out of your lives to make these videos. My thanks to you both, and my continued prayers for Carol's family.


  8. I was so annoyed with the handling of the "photos of Bree, let's NOT show Jamie falling apart, brush it off and tell Claire about Willie", that I tweeted Matt Roberts to say how disappointed I was. I don't care how many excuses he, Ron D Moore and Toni Graphia try to foist on us during their podcast for this Episode - I have NEVER before felt completely betrayed by them.

    1. Funny Anon, but I felt similar. Also with above that they are creative intelligent people so they must do this on purpose. They have to know it would cause an uproar just like the deleted Faith scene. Who wants to bet me we'll get it as a deleted scene right before Christmas ONLY if we buy the blue ray edition. With that said, I will most assuredly be purchasing all and anything to do with S3. By the way, bc I'm still annoyed over it from time to time, I bought NOTHING from S2.

  9. Hi all,

    I agree about that they needed to spend more time on Jamie absorbing the photos of Bree and I fully expected a chin quiver followed by tears running down his face. (I'm catching up on the books but haven't gotten to Voyager yet so I can't wait to read it). It struck me as kind of a whiplash as well on how fast he jumped to talking about Willie. I think at some point he would have questioned Claire on how she was able to persuade Bree into believing her story about Jamie. I think he would also have been struck by the magnitude of Bree's willingness to let Claire go back in time to be with Jamie.

    I thought when Jamie asked Claire about Frank and whether he still loved her when she went back that she would at least touch on how difficult it was to be married to him and that she could never really connect emotionally with Frank after being married to Jamie.

    It would be nice if the producers could do like they did with Lord of the Rings and come out with an extended version of Outlander (which in a perfect world would include all the extra scenes we've envisioned!)

    Looking forward to next week!

    Bye from the 'Burgh...

  10. I *totally* agree with not liking the "Willie Bomb". I have listened to, and agreed with everything you've said, but I do have a couple different insights to throw out there, now that I've given it some deeper thought.

    First of all, I saw Jamie as being overly weak and emotional, and, at first glance, that bothered me. It seemed like they were trying to reverse the male/female roles some more, of Claire being the one who goes on adventures, and comes back to rescue her man. But we have to remember where she has been (the 20th century wife of a good and forgiving man, whose occupation allowed for her to stay home with her child, which she conceived with another man, and then she decided to buck the system and the times and have a satisfying career and become a female surgeon), in vast contrast to where Jamie has been (he sent her (and their unborn child) away FOREVER in order to protect them, nearly died at Culloden, suffered such severe injuries and loss that he wished he had died, suffered loneliness in a cave for seven years, suffered in chains in prison, suffered as a slave, was blackmailed into fathering Willie, and then we saw him ride away from Willie, the son he had spent his first few years with, instilling his own values into him, and sacrificially leaving him for his (Willie's) own good. He was a completely broken man. When they were about to have their first kiss (and I absolutely loved that he was still such a chivalrous gentleman that he asked for permission!), and he started speaking what sounded like dreamlike/fantasy gibberish to me, I had to pause (and, believe me, that was VERY DIFFICULT to do, because of the huge amount of anticipation for this episode), and turn on subtitles so I didn't miss a single word of what he was saying. And I've read the books, twice. So I knew, in general, what he was talking about. He was broken. He had imagined Claire so many times, coming to him in dreams, in fever, when he beckoned her memory to comfort him. I hated him walking away from the Brianna photos to get the photo(bomb!) of Willie and confessing to Claire. But I'm going to have to look at this with a dose of empathy for what this man has also experienced. Claire knew full well that he would have lived and maybe loved and experienced something in those 20 years besides merely pining away for her. She was willing to take that risk, that he might have a wife and kids, when she chose to go back to him. It can't be all about her, or even all about Brianna. He never knew her. He helped raise Willie. That's a pretty big deal, and I have to give him that allowance. It doesn't follow the book, but I can read the books again whenever I want the story to go the way I want it. For now, I'm going to allow the series writers discretion, and see where they go with this.

    As always, it was so fun to watch you two do what you do! My friend Crystal and I think it would be so fun to do the same thing, because we sound a lot like you when we're hashing over the latest episode! In fact, this time, I made her call me (I didn't want to wake her hubby!) so we could get our shows synchronized, because I didn't want to message her about something she hadn't seen yet, because I was about 3 minutes ahead of her.

    I just love that the new episodes are available in the midwest at 11:00 p.m. on Saturday night!!! I only wish I could right away turn to your review so we could be experiencing our reactions at nearly the same time! See you next time!

    1. I so agree with your understanding/comments about the Willie "bomb". What most book readers forget, and I am one of them, is that it is a woman writing how she feels a man in his situation would react. DG often writes that Jamie hide his emotions for the most part. Claire knows this. She also didn't overreact to the news, thanks to the show writers. No matter what you think, the writers have the final say. I believe Sam commented that he didn't want to break down as was written in a draft. Check out the script on Starz. Just enjoy what you love and overlook the rest. Relax.

  11. Jamie walking the street in the opening?? STRAIGHT OUTTA 18C GQ! Wicked loved it!

    Anyhoo I think that is the reason they added the Willie photo when they did. It made sense. To me Jamie felt THAT was 'safe' to tell. I took the episode for what it was and tried not to be upset not getting my "fall to pieces" scene. I loved this Jamie as was mentioned before, he is slightly dangerous and a bit fierce. It gave us an insight into the man he must become in order to face the future. I loved everything else about the episode.

  12. I enjoy your reviews so much I signed up for Showtime just to be able to watch Outlander and then your comments. I had cancelled Showtime at the end of season 2 because I really disliked how they were portraying Jamie and Claire. But you guys really entertain me with your wit so I'm on board the TV Jamie and Claire train as long as I can moan and chuckle along with you girls afterwards. I was terribly disappointed in the Bree photo scene. I am puzzled why again and again they rob Jamie of what makes him King of All Men. The Game of Thrones brothel orgy scene is awful. Really? Jamie takes Claire into that?! no! It was a ho hum episode. I'll go re-read that chapter and enjoy it more. The strip tease was boring .. in the book he pulls down the zipper and she is only wearing garters and stockings and it takes his breath away .. perfect! I wonder did Claire make all those under garments herself too? I thought the constant shots of Jamie's scared back were distracting. It wasn't sexy. I just kept wondering how they applied the fake skin.

    I did like the Willoughby character more in the show however ... so there's a thumbs up for that.

    Tracy, hope you feel better.

    Carol, prayers still going up for Tom, you and your family.

    Keep the terrific reviews coming. I'm a fan.

  13. Oh, Tracey, I agree with you 100% in everything you said about this episode. I feel the reunion is all about the print shop, not the brothel. After the initial shock of seeing Claire and fainting, I felt there should have been tears, holding and hugging in fear of letting go. It was all about the comment that Claire makes later on about when they both wondered about what they have (connection) and if it was still there. Sure the sex was a part, but it was even deeper than the sex. So because of that, the missing part of the print shop and then the inclusion of the Willie Bomb, hurt the reunion adaption terribly. When he didn't "fall to pieces" over the pictures, but instead popped up with Willie's picture, it was as if someone had thrown cold water in my face. Took me totally out of the moment & I never truly recovered from it in order to fully appreciate the rest. We didn't see Jamie's devastation over Brianna, but he sure showed his pure joy lighting up his face over Willie. That was just so wrong.

    I agree with the undressing. Went on far too long and I became uncomfortable with Cait having to stand there. Again, I have to add that in my mind, I would have seen them holding each other tightly all the time. But it was all so slow & leisurely. Yeah, that would have made sense in the second or third time, but the first time, I think they would have been just both of them hugging and emotionally letting go. Remember how they were in Claire's leaving him at the stones? How heartbreaking it was, how emotional and passionate? For me, while I completely understand Jamie's tentativeness, I also feel that the reunion would have been more passionate. And I'm not talking about the sex part when I mean passionate. I mean it should have torn our hearts out, but it was lacking and then the Willie Bomb was too much.

    I did enjoy the show overall. Maybe the expectation was more than it could ever have been able to stand up to. But it was just not as good as I hoped it would be. Yes, I'm a reader too and up until this point, I've been okay with whatever changes they've made. Totally understood. But we needed to see the print shop in all it's entirety. They could have cut a lot other for just a few more seconds of reconnecting emotionally. I also would have been okay with him telling her about Willie, but that should have come when she asked him about other women. It should not have been at the expense of Brianna's introduction.

    1. I totally agree, but I was thinking they could have gone too far trying to convey the awkwardness they were both feeling by the sudden Willie reveal. More that Jamie was probably dying inside over the BIG secret the whole time. They were trying to portray him as being distracted as book readers know he must have been. So less emotional reveal from him over pics and toward Claire. I sensed him holding back. Honestly, I would have asked more questions, not slept with him until I knew more, and kept my guard up. Also, keeping my map to the stones at hand! It may have felt off bc it was off. I tell my daughter all the time to trust her gut instincts, don't waste time like I did with an ass, and move on. But, denial and love goes hand in hand as this woman knows too well. Looks like the feelings will come back from the latest trailer for 307. But then...,.wholly molly. Can't wait. 308 is titled First Wife so I think all hell will break loose in 307 and end on "Daddy". Then we will see Ned Gowen again to patch all up. Love him too. No, the two new comic reliefs from 306 may be great actors but no one will ever replace the. Eloped first act.

    2. Totally agree with Lisa M & Trish Copley . I was SO disappointed in how the handled the Bree photo scene & the Willy bomb. Can NOT believe they skipped Jamie "falling to pieces." Such a huge missed opportunity. It was hard to enjoy the rest of the episode after that. Even the sex felt "off" (not awkward, just off). Jamie had more heat with Geneva, who was practically a total stranger & someone he disliked). What the actual f...? I would have been ok with the Willie reveal (so to speak)had they done it later in the ep. I didn't even like the mention of Faith at that time. The scene was about J, C & "the bairn" that they left each other for; the one J said a prayer for EVERY SINGLE DAY for 20 yrs. They crushed a little piece of my soul. I'm so sad that we'll never see this beautiful scene on film as it should have been.

  14. I believe all the book readers are pretty much in agreement that this episode was a disappointment. Things seemed rushed and forced. They touched on the plot, but left out the humor. In the books they HID at the brothel...and somehow the brothel itself didn't seem so trashy.

  15. Amen Sisters!

    But remember a few things: We've been with J and C over the course of this season, but THEY have not. And remember that most of us have read all/most of the books umpty-ump times and have 'seen' the whole story, but the show is not complete yet.

    I like to watch the show first as-is, then again with subtitles, then once or twice more before the next episode airs. What's so great about the fan-iverse is that there are so many great bloggers who find many points that I miss or didn't consider.

    An OL celebrity who watches: Rita Wilson. LOVED when she and Sam were on the Graham Norton Show together. Wonder how her hubby Tom Hanks likes it!

    Would be glad to send $$ to your tipple fund, if I knew how.

  16. I've been so looking forward to today...favorite Monday, last nights episode and your review back to back 🤗
    I totally agree with you Tracey, I BAWLED when reading this scene but didn't come close watching. That being said, I'm a READER, words/descriptions will always move me waaay more than the visual.
    I found the "reunion" a bit stilted. I too needed to see that clinging to each other, running of hands over each other to make sure its real. I can imagine hanging on and not wanting to let go. It's the condensing pages and pages to a few minutes I guess... oh well.
    Next to his bedroom...I was distracted by the number of candles burning haha, an unbelievable waste when he was working in the next room, weird observation I know, but thats an example of how the visual can take me out of the story, does that make sense?
    Looking at the pictures...agree with the clunkiness of the moment, so glad you read the scene to show the lack of emotion. I too was expecting the "going to pieces" 😞
    No no no no no no! My exact reaction to the Willy reveal! Another example for me that somehow Jamie always comes out seeming "less than". Less caring, less emotional, less invested. Trotting Willy out now feels like one-upping Claire in the proud parent moment. Clumsy. Visually again, the kisses shared early on, Claire leaning in, Claire shedding tears, when honestly I've always loved Jamie because I've always believed that he loved more and deeper. He came across, to me, as more emotional than Claire in the books and its those little moments usually at the end of the chapters, those little one-liners that I miss the most,they are the character building bits of the book that are sadly missing.
    Oh ya! Side note...I had a pint in the Lands End Pub last year! Small thrill for me to hear it was where they went!
    I should stop here, the rest of the episode gets into plot that has always annoyed me...Mr. Willabee (sp?) Ugh
    Jamie would never have marched her through the room with sex going in everywhere! He used this house to live almost undercover, he would have used the discreet back door. I guess they have a "boob quota" to keep PG14 rating.
    Jamie's question as to Claire's return...remember Claire had months to prepare for this moment, she had time to resolve issues with her past. He has to go through the same process in a matter of hours.
    I had to pretty much fast forward the next "scene", teenagers coming and going in my house 🙄 but again, I'd much rather read it than see it anyways, I don't feel a real need to rewind. Sadly, I get the feeling that in the producers minds, they think the viewers reduce this reunion to sex. Again missing Diana's words, the emotional input.
    Another terrific review, loved as much as the actual episode, as usual.Sorry for the length of this, I should have read all the above comments to see if I'm just repeating.

  17. I was just thinking, wasn't' everyone complaining that last season there wasn't enough sex. That's how Jamie and Claire communicate we said. These characters are not like they are in the book we said. Well they gave us some great sex and pillow talk and now we complain we didn't want all the sex but more print shop. We must be so annoying to them. I was also thinking I wanted to see Jamie fall apart but maybe they did it like that and it looked not so great, sometimes crying is better on paper and not so good visually. Bella always cried in the Twilight books but not in the movies. Not that Twilight holds a candle to Outlander. Oh well just some thoughts. Oh yeah this is weird but didn't it seem like they made her boobs droopier than they normally are. Trying to show her age. Wonder how they did

    1. Many of us who complained about what was lacking in S2 said we needed "more intimacy." That doesn't necessarily mean extended sex scenes. The pillow talking, embraces, and kisses are more important than the mattress bouncing to me. I won't rehash the problems with S2 here, but they were varied and numerous, they did include changes to personalities - especially to Claire, and there WAS a definite lack of "intimacy." I'd venture to suggest that if we fans DO annoy the powers that be, it's very likely they unnecessarily annoyed us first. ; )

  18. I also did not like the Willie bomb. I have to say that the last 3 episodes were so excellent in my opinion. I was a little disappointed in this one. But, Voyager is such a roller coaster ride. It must be difficult to translate it to the screen. I am waiting anxiously for next season when Bree and Roger take their trips through the stones.

  19. Hi Tracey MOP and Carol MOP! Thanks as usual for the awesome commentary! Watching and listening to your exchanges after the episodes has become, for me, a way to extend my weekly time in Outlander-land, and that's always a good thing! Don't you sometimes wonder why the directors don't see what seems obvious to us, on this side of the TV screen, can see? Why didn't they know what a mistake they were making with Jamie's character development in some of those scenes? Still, I loved the episode. Made me realize how much I've missed 1700's Claire! So excited to get into Wee Iain's storyline. Have a great week, see you next Sunday 💜

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hey ladies!
    1. I miss Monday nights and MOP live chat.
    2. Re: lack of picture falling apart - it occurs to me that Jamie never really saw Claire pregnant before she left, so their child never was real to him. I'm not sure if that makes the fact that he doesn't react more to the pictures of her more or less believable tho...
    3. Re: The so-called 'Willie Bomb'
    (spoiler alert!)

    I think that this is so that the whole omg are you and LJG having a gay love affair reaction that Claire has when she sees Jamie and Lord John together in that embrace go away. That's not at all politically correct. Can't have it in the show. (Much the same, btw, as to Mr. Willoughby's sexual fetish.)
    4. I read that the print shop set was refurbished from Master Raymond's shop from Season 2. And also that there is a copy of Drums of Autumn as an easter egg on the shelf in the print shop... ?? I didn't see it but I wasn't really looking so maybe?

    1. I respectfully disagree somewhat. I think they feared Mr. Willoughby's true fetish was so disgusting that they figured the audience would be so repulsed, they couldn't find any sympathy for the character. And with LJG, this show has always been about pushing the buttons and guidelines of what is generally usual for characters and/or tv. I don't think they feared being politically correct by not going showing Claire misunderstanding a hug. I honestly though don't know what their plans are. Maybe it will be shown, but with Claire completely accepting it for what it was. Truly don't know what they will do, but I don't believe it was due to trying to be politically correct. JMO though.

    2. Trish, great points, and I agree. I haven't read the book in years, but am I correct that when Claire saw the embrace, Jamie told Claire about offering himself to LJG and explained it was a test - to see what LJG would do? And once LJG refused, he knew he was truly honorable and could trust him to raise his son? If so, how are they going to bring that to light? Or, are they just going to change the story and let the non book-reading audience think he would really have had sex with LJG? (Which bugs me to no end; did we not see the man almost kill himself over what happened with BJR, partly due to him questioning his own sexuality and feeling repulsed that his body betrayed him???) The whole thing is a slippery slope (do you change the story or risk offending? etc, etc.) so I think they should just stick to the story in the books on this one.

    3. JC!!! Where you been, girl?! I am going STRAIGHT to my TV to rewatch and find that easter egg!!! ❤️

    4. Carol, I honestly don't recall either how that went down. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that whole scene is skipped. My goodness, if they can cut the importance of the whole falling apart scene, they can skip anything. I actually read on twitter that it was filmed, but cut. I can't fathom why they would choose to cut it if true. I don't mean to sound like I'm not appreciative of what they have done & put in from the book, but I have to admit that the print shop adaption just really messed with my head.

  22. I haven't had the chance to finish the MOP-up of this episode, but have a couple of thoughts. I am a book reader first and I didn't have a problem with the 'Willie bomb'. I think that Jamie telling Claire right off is more in character with who Jamie would be at this point and the tension of the big omission can be felt through the other secret that shall not be mentioned here.

    I did feel they missed their best in Jamie looking at the pictures, but the interchange about her first words and that 'no' is learned fast by little ones was tender. Just not quite tender enough. All they needed was for Jaime to begin to drop the pictures from shaky hands and for Claire to grasp his hands, close in on teary eyed gazes. Pan out to Jaime connecting with the memory of Faith and that would segue into the Willie story.

    For me, Jaimie's hair killed any possibility of the romantic scenes to carry an impact. It looks like the wig department had to go to Part City and snag costume wigs on sale. I would rather they just let Jaime have Sam's short hair for some reason...lice epidemic? The sex was hit and miss and I agree with comments that we saw way too much of Jaime's back scares... and skipped over what should have been a majorly gnarly scar on his leg like it was just a wee cut.

    1. Agree! The paper cut on his leg was rediculous. His leg was mangled by a bayonet, sliced open to the bone by Jenny, and scalding hot water poured on it. Then healed like a paper cut would. NOT!!!! Cheap cheap cheap. Just like the omission of the J&C carvings at the stones. Sometimes I can't help myself over all these omissions and want to scream at the top of my lungs WTF??? So very sorry!

  23. Looking up some past love making scenes, there are some that even looking back can melt my heart and heat me up at the same time. They could have spliced those together to make the reunion way more warming to the heart and soul.

  24. I read that Reba McEntire is a super Outlander fan. She even toured the filming locations while there on tour. Jamie's home was of particular interest to her.

    As to the episode. I agree that the emotional reunion at the print shop was more important than the sex scene, though I did enjoy that, too. I had wondered if Jamie would really "go to pieces" as he did in the book. I'm not really sorry they chose not to do it that way. I don't feel that Jamie was at all cavalier or unfeeling throughout the long separation from Claire. The first four episodes more than adequately showed his grief and devastation. He barely spoke to anyone during the time he was living in the cave. Jenny said that the real Jamie had never come back from Culloden.
    Then , in the prison, his grief for Claire was apparent in that he couldn't speak her name to Murtagh. Lord John could see how much Claire meant to Jamie in their conversation about their losses. Even when he had Willie, I didn't begrudge the bit of happiness he derived from the son he could never claim. You saw his face as he was riding away. I've never seen such a hollow empty look. It was total devastation. That was the most haggard he ever looked.

    I looked so forward to this latest episode, because I wanted Jamie, finally, to have some joy in his life. Only Claire could bring that back to him. It was so satisfying to see them together at last. He had never considered that she might come back. If Jamie seemed tentative in some scenes, it was only because he was so afraid of losing Claire again.

    I do think the confession about Willy took away from Claire's revelation of Bree.
    Maybe it was because Jamie had promised honesty to Claire from to start, and he knew just how much he needed to tell her. Maybe he thought.....a little at a time, though this is a bombshell, and we readers know what is to come. Claire, though, has promised twice that she will never leave him again.

    Throughout the separation, it seemed that Jamie had more tragedy, more suffering and more heartbreak than Claire. But. I do remember from the book that Claire was emotionally broken, cried herself to sleep many a night and never seemed to have the fairly smooth transition that the show would indicate.
    The thing about Claire was that she had medicine, and she concentrated so totally on that, that she didn't have as much time to reflect on her great loss, but I think it was always with her. As her friend Joe observed, she had consigned herself to half a life. One thing I noticed, in the book and in the show, was that Bree didn't seem to be as crucial to her as I thought she might have, considering that she was the only thing she had left of Jamie.

    1. Jamie has already "gone to pieces" once in this season. Remember when he broke down and sobbed in Jenny's arms after the redcoat cut off Fergus's hand.. I was moved to tears over that. I don't want to see Jamie collapse like that again.

      I also agree that the back scars were overdone and very distracting. I had expected them to fade somewhat over the years. Instead, they looked more horrendous than ever. Notice that Claire touched his back very gingerly...probably afraid of messing up the prosthetic. And they filmed his back excessively throughout the scene.

      Something that I really appreciated more, after several viewings, was the scene in which Jamie told Claire of the times he had seen her appear to him just when he needed her, but she never touched him. And now, she could touch him. I know I was touched by that. And by his tears.

  25. Celebrities who love Outlander: Reba McIntire, Jessica Chastain, Rita Wilson (a/k/a Mrs. Tom Hanks), author Jodi Picoult, Reese Witherspoon (or at least her mom who has a crush on Sam), Kristin Davis, Whoopi Goldberg, William Shatner, Dave Mustaine of the band Megadeath who even wrote an Outlander-inspired song, Michael Cudlitz of "The Walking Dead", George R.R. Martin. There's a list for you!

  26. Going to pieces was IN THE SCRIPT. Matt had it in the script. It was filmed. It got cut. It is not Matt's fault but I'm mad as hell at whoever did the final locked cut of this episode. The three top criticisms I've been hearing are that one, plus why bring Willie up NOW?, plus ooooo, the back scars were gross (as in, not well done by the make-up/prosthetics department) and we saw them WAY TOO MUCH!

    1. Thanks for that tidbit. It does make me feel better to know that it was in the script. Maybe it'll be out there in an outtake and we can wallow in it a bit!

  27. As a reader the Bree photo scene and mentioning Willie was odd. This means we will miss the part of LJG telling Claire about Willie before Jamie and seeing how jealous he is of her. There was too much undressing, although I get that they were making it similar to their wedding night and too much skankyness in the brothel even though it was a brothel! The scars were a bit much but looked so real. Loved everything else. Next episode I hope they will show the conversation between Jamie, Ian and young Ian regarding a certain action done by young Ian (didn't want to put a spoiler in here) because to me you heard Jamie's feelings about Lallybroch, etc. That was my favorite part in regards to written conversations in Voyager. Great show ladies...enjoyed it!!

  28. I am becoming so disheartened with the season that I looked forward to since it was one of my favorite books! I totally agree that there has been a paradigm shift in the relationship which seems to splay over with the writers. To take 20 pages if complete undoing with Claire’s return and turn it in to a few minutes of unpassionate hello I’m here, was so disappointing! Thennto progress to the brothel scenes was almost as cheaply done as a Fifty Shades bang thus way and then that way. I so missed the moments of passion as when she held the knife to his throat. It seemed like they wanted to coreograph the wedding night 29 years forward but missed it. I was saddened and truly disappointed.

  29. Another awesome recap ladies! I am home recuperating from a surgery and am not used to having so much time on my hands! Being able to sit and watch your video all the way through in one sitting made my day. I usually have to stop and start a bunch of times because you know work, kids, husband, etc!

    Ok - first let me say I am also a book reader and I agree with Tracey that I had a lot of thoughts this episode about “But in the book”. I loved the lead up to the printshop scene but cannot forgive the show for not letting Jamie fall quietly to pieces. Everything was perfect leading up to the fainting but then I felt we really lost the full emotion that was in the book. I also am angry that Jamie told Claire about Willie during this scene. It just took away from the emotion of the scene and now we don’t get to have the scene from the book between Claire and LJG.

    The bedroom scene in the brothel ( also agree Jamie would never have taken Claire to a brothel like it was portrayed in the show) was acted incredibly by Sam and Cait. However, I am with Carol that I felt the undressing was too long. I also felt awkward watching Cait stand there for so long. When I saw Sam’s back I was struck at how bad it looked. In previous seasons it did not look that red and raised. Also, I would have thought as it references in the books that the scars would have faded somewhat over 20 years. Not sure if they have had a make- up change or not but please go back to the old make-up!

    I am a huge wee Ian fan and thought the casting was perfect. I also was perplexed by the age though. I thought wee Ian should have been around 14 years old. Not sure why they needed to make him 2 years older. Also, loved adult Fergus! And it’s funny because like you guys, the first thing that popped in my head when I saw him was - where is his hook!!!

    In terms of this season and what has been my favorite episode I have to agree with Tracey that it was the Helwater/Not Genie Francis/Willie episode. Can’t remember the number! For me, my favorite episode of all the seasons is still The Wedding episode. That was just so perfectly played and awesome for me that I don’t think it can be topped. The reunion just didn’t do it for me as much as the wedding.

    Lastly, I just have to say that I was so glad we had a Bree-less episode. In my opinion, Bree is the most annoying book character but she did grow on me more after reading the books over. I just can’t with Sophie Skelton. She is just making Bree worse for me. Her acting seeems so wooden and her American accent is not helping. I could get over her having brown eyes and not being as physically imposing as Bree is in the book, but just can’t believe this was the best actress they could get for Bree. I keep hoping her accent will get better as Bree is only going to get more airtime not less!

    Can’t wait for next weeks recap!

    Lisa M from NJ

    1. Jamie's back looked to be morphing into that of a TRex. The scars should definitely have faded not puffed out.

    2. Spoiler alert:
      A thought about Young Ian's age change...
      With what we know is coming (spoiler) I'm pretty sure there are places the producers WILL go, and some they CAN NOT! Ian is sexually abused in Jamaica, no way around that. Adding a couple of years to him will make it watchable

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Ian was 15 in the books about to be 16 in a couple of weeks so
      there was no age change.

  30. Thank you so much for your recaps. So glad I found you. Just started watching Outlander this summer and binged watched Seasons 1 and 2. Then read book one to get background information. Don't mind your spoilers. You guys crack me up. I wish I could hire you full time.

  31. Why so many are turned off about the Willie reveal timing? If you appreciate that the books are the basic ingredient for the entire story & when it's translated to the screen they are forced to visualize what all of us have imagined inside our heads. One opinion vs. another's. I feel they have done a monumentally beautiful job of it. As many varied impressions there will always be folks who cannot be pleased enough but my impression with the "reunion" episode was POETRY! Two beloved people who have been apart for 20 years and now are together again. Part of me wishes every time I'm submerged in this story that time travel could be REAL. Almost 17 years ago I lost my beloved 26 year old daughter - what I would give to return to her and soak in her sunshine, hear her heartfelt laugh again, feel her tender hugs and sense her magic all around me. I watch what unfolds for Jamie & Claire and I illuminate my imagination within them. Everything about this show is classic from the acting to the costumes and music but especially the writing. Diana composed a masterpiece and now the likes of Matt Roberts & crew have opened a whole new translation, another dimension for us to enjoy. How can you find fault with perfection? Who wouldn't want someone to love you like that? I once heard Diana speak at an authors' conference. She shared that one of her motivations writing this story was because her own mother & father had enjoyed a long marriage and she was fascinated with how the both of them made it happen. What grows between two people over many, many years to instill such a sense of deep devotion and forever love? Through all their adventures, disappointments, near death touches and yes, horrible separations, these two remain constant. Would that each of us could know that experience.
    I recall when the movie "E T" came out eons ago, wishing with all my heart an alien like him could visit me and become my friend and leave such a legacy of love and sincerity when he had to leave. Not possible but my imagination craved desperately to believe it could happen. Now I watch two lives stretched to the end of their existence coming together again with a force that challenges all love stories but you quibble when a father mentions his living son he created and didn't dribble all over photographs more? This man was gobsmacked moments earlier with the appearance of the love of his life and no doubt millions of emotions flooded his conscious mind. He wrestled with revealing that he sired a child out of wedlock for fear she might not understand & leave. We who have read Diana's countless words of description know what was going on inside his head; I've frequently wondered why each of them don't speak more rather than less because there is after all so much to tell. In due time. If somehow I could reunite with my lost daughter would I bother to try to explain the working of an I-phone within our first few minutes together because it held photographs of loved ones? Even though I've not begun to ride the journey Jamie had I would be in awe and probably struck dumb because the sight of my girl would be too miraculous to merely put into words or appear logical. Give Jamie a break because he's human grappling with a larger than life reveal. Like fitting a square peg into a round hole. Like Claire he carries the grief of their loss of Faith and doesn't hesitate to scratch at that anguished memory.
    How anyone can find complaints about something so moving, dream-like and just about perfection at every corner degrades what to me is the finest TV imagined. I feel privileged that Starz has given Ron Moore & crew such freedom to express this story their way. I am obsessed and cannot wait for each episode. I applaud sheer perfection when I see & feel it. This is JOY!

    1. So sorry for your loss. I agree with much of what you wrote, the change in the Willie reveal struck me as odd at first, but after a re-watch, not such a biggie. I am really happy with this season, so far.

    2. Hello Chris. I just read your email and simply ache for your loss. I understand how immersing oneself in the Outlander world (show and especially books) can be so comforting. I feel almost exactly the way you felt about this episode, now. However, after my initial viewing, I felt rather empty until I read Beth Wesson's blog. Not trying to tout someone else's blog but reading her article was essential in order for me to understand my empty feelings and then to realize after subsequent viewings the exquisite subtleties I had missed in Sam Heughan's nuanced and amazing performance . I urge all MOP participants to read Beth's article and watch again.

    3. Beth W is one of the finest impressionists writing about Outlander. I adore her insights and gentle descriptions of the emotions and interpretations with the Outlander story. I've watched this episode at least 5 different times and can't figure out why so many take such exception & offense. I have a VERY difficult time wading thru Carol & Tracey's 90+ minute commentaries because they waste so much time on trivia. Get to the point. I lost it with them over the "Faith" episode last season because of how they belittled loss. Obviously they did not understand nor appreciate the message in that episode alone. When they are good they are usually spot on but far too often they drift into other mindless areas that purely lose me. I've stopped watching solely because my patience dries up. Thanks for your thoughts 'cause it was kind for you to identify with me.

  32. Hi you two fantabulous women! It's Lynn the Ultimate Book Snob from Alberta here - not a tv watcher at all, but have watched the series the last two years because it is my fav book series in my whole life (well, maybe except for Bobbsey Twins and Nancy Drew about forty years ago... but I digress). I usually do not see the tv show until weeks after it has aired, but I ALWAYS watch your recaps. Always. You are so fun and witty and I find your opinions on the show to be pretty much exactly how I think/feel. Add to that, I know the books so well and have the 'movie' in my head from reading them that when I watch your recap, I feel like I haven't missed too much by not seeing the show! You keep me caught up. I was so hesitant about this season as Voyager is my favourite of Herself's books. As I watch the recaps, I have come to the conclusion that I may not watch any more of the show - they are losing my interest for the most part! In my opinion, the book story is the TRUTH of Jamie and Claire. TV is changing that story line more and more, sadly. I get that it is impossible to put any book into a movie, I do. It's just really too bad how far off the mark the show seems to be travelling. Okay, fine, I may still watch the show eventually, maybe. In the meantime, I plan to follow and enjoy YOU BOTH. So there hahaha! Thanks for taking and making the time to keep on; you put in so many hours and so much energy keeping us entertained and informed! You are very much appreciated! Keep up the great work, and if I suddenly become independently wealthy, you will be able to quit your day jobs and just be our MOP Ladies! Hang in there. Hugs all around.

    1. Girl...I needed this. Thank you!!!! 😘

    2. You are absolutely welcome! I watched the newest episode recap last night, so may have to go to the comments there and add my rant. Not sure if I have enough Drambui in the house to deal with all the 'stuff' that is changing in the show lol! OH, and if you like reds, check out the Chilean and Argentinian wines, they are the BEST. Also often more expensive than the others; I've had to up my per bottle budget from under $10 to under $17....

  33. I love your videos, ladies. I'm a book fan like you, thought I read all the books after I saw the first half of Season 1 (I'd never heard of Outlander).
    Last season disappointed me so I stopped rereading the book before I saw an episode. This year I love the show! However, I was aghast when Jamie told her about Willie! Then I started thinking, he's holding some secrets back, and we book readers know what the big one is. I think he blurted out the story of Willie because he can't bring himself to tell Claire what else he has been up to. In the book, he keeps worrying that she will go back. When he says "Why did you come?" he desperately wants her to tell him she will stay. He doesn't know her or trust her, yet.
    I'm more willing to watch and trust the show producers because they ARE giving us a lot of the book this year. Yay to sex scenes again!

    1. Yes! "he's holding some secrets back". Tell a few, keep a few. When to tell what. I can/will live with that interpretation.

  34. I just discovered your videos and I really enjoyed your recap. I have been a fan of the books for years and have read and re-read them all more times than I can count. I was excited about the Starz production of the novels but worried that they would not do the books justice. However, I think they are doing a bang up job. For the most part, they follow the books pretty closely and I have been really impressed with the casting, costumes, sets, etc. This being said, I have to agree with you about the timing of the Willie reveal in this episode. It was completely out of place and out of character for Jamie to bring it up when they were talking about Brianna. I also agree that there was way too much time spent disrobing and not enough time on the real initial reunion. One other thing that didn't work for me in this episode was the casting of the adult Fergus. He seemed a bit too earnest and fresh faced to me. In the books, he is painted as darkly handsome and thoroughly disreputable. The actor they cast was (to pick up on your Brady Bunch allusion) more like Peter Brady than a whorehouse-raised, hook-wearing, smuggler. I guess I'll have to wait and see how he does in future episodes but I am skeptical that he can pull it off.
    Looking forward to seeing what you have to say next week!

  35. I agree with how you felt about the going to pieces/Brianna/Willie scene. If you read the script, Matt DID put in that part. He also mentions that there was a disagreement about putting in Willie there and the powers that be won. Interesting to read the script and the writer's comments. I'm looking forward to hearing what is said on the podcast about this.
    Jamie's glasses part didn't bother me. I just felt that he was overwhelmed to the point of almost shutting down his emotions and that he was still trying to deal with the idea that Claire was actually there and did she still want him?

  36. Hi ladies!! I haven't had a chance to watch your video yet but hopefully will have time soon. Im sure its as great as always!! I had to comment now though bc I have to say I'm really surprised by all the negative comments about this episode. I'm a book reader and I thought it was fantastic!! I personally was glad of the willy reveal at this point. We already know there will be one major secret to come out and get over and that will be bad enough. I had a very hard time swallowing jaime keeping willy a secret from claire for months while reading the book and thinking "how can he not tell her?" And from from a writer's perspective, maybe they felt it would be too much to have jaime keeping one secret after another from claire. Anyway, I thought the whole episode was perfect and am so happy they are together again and to see claire back in her curly bun:) The sex/intimacy stuff was fab and loooong overdo after last season. Can't wait for next week!!

  37. I found this on Twitter at #OutlanderALN

    Replying to @OutlanderWriter:
    "why didn’t Jamie fall apart when seeing pics of Bree? It was in the script."

    It's our intention that all action lines are filmed. we're disappointed this one wasn't. Will talk more about it on podcast. #OutlanderALN

  38. Hi Ladies. Thanks for keeping me up late laughing. You are my preferred late night talk show!

    Since the beginning of season 1, tv Outlander has slowly conditioned my expectations of what I will and will not be seeing. The beautiful wedding ring, the carving of initial, the healing cave etc, not going to see. But I've loved watching the actors work through the nuances of their characters and give it their personal touches. I was so happy to see Claire bring out the photos, I didn't mind that Jamie just closed his eyes to absorb it all and not collapse in a heap.
    I also wasn't that upset about the timing of the Willie reveal, because in Diana's writing she used the classic "big misunderstanding" plot numerous times to move the huge story along. It seems in tv Outlander, they may have decided to put all their eggs in another large misunderstanding basket coming up, and not have Jamie constantly apologize and confessing per episode, thus setting up another mistrust.

  39. Apparently Sam Heughan made the choice not to break down. It was in the script. See

    1. I saw that. It sounds like a case of "Tobias-itis" - and I think "melodramatic" is going to be a trigger word for me today. : (

      There DID need to be more reaction in that scene to show the magnitude of Jamie's gratitude for THIS child, for whose safety he has prayed for over twenty long years. The book says he "very quietly" breaks down. Just his head on Claire's shoulder and the shaking hands would've been effective...and appreciated. When the actors decide to play against the script, I wish they would go ahead and film it both ways...and give us the outtakes!

    2. was the actors that insisted they show Jamie's PTSD as long as possible for S2. They should have learned their lesson then. I will never watch S2 again. The disappointment of the century.

    3. Then the director should have said No. The actors can make suggestions on how to play a scene, but the director has the final say.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. dolittle said:
    There DID need to be more reaction in that scene to show the magnitude of Jamie's gratitude for THIS child, for whose safety he has prayed for over twenty long years. The book says he "very quietly" breaks down. Just his head on Claire's shoulder and the shaking hands would've been effective...and appreciated. When the actors decide to play against the script, I wish they would go ahead and film it both ways...and give us the outtakes!

    THIS! And not only the child that he prayed for, but the child that they BOTH sacrificed so much for. SH's statement regarding that he didn't "know" Bree, but "knew" Willie, doesn't work for me. I get what he was trying to say, but we still needed more of a reaction to the photos of Bree. More emotion. Didn't have to be "melodramactic" (SH words), but it at least more excitement.

    I also have to add that it ticks me off when all the fans & cast denigrate us for questioning this choice. I have yet to take offense at anything they've done. I have been sad that things were left out, sure, (PB&J) but I get why and I'm ok with their choices and adaptions. But this one time on such a very important part, they don't like it when we see it differently? I am not the type to fuss or nitpick, but sometimes you just don't agree 100%.

    And while I'm fussing (LOL), I have to say that had they included the dialogue from Jamie where he asks Claire "Will ye take me, Sassenach? And risk the man I am, for the sake of the man I was?" would have perfectly explained the awkwardness and tentativeness they were trying to convey in this episode. Why was that left out? It perfectly says everything about their reunion.

    1. Writers are implying that the "risk the man I am" line will show up eventually. There ARE opportunities coming up soon where that question might need to be seriously pondered.

  42. And I have to say, the REUNION was not about sex to me. The REUNION is the print shop! Aye aye!!

  43. Ok, I'm going to try to make this shorter, but first let me thank Carol and Tracey for another fun filled review!

    I think I’ll just start at the beginning and work my way through, interjecting my praise or criticism as I go. Firstly though, I want to say how much I appreciated the well done performances of Sam and Caitriona. I believe, if it wasn’t for them, I would not be watching this show so enthusiastically, and may have already given up on it....

    From the beginning....well, actually last week. After watching episode 304, which I hated with a passion, all of it, I did not have a good vibe for episode 306 (printshop), but after watching the ending of episode 305 (freedom and whisky), I had renewed faith. That ending with Claire entering the print shop was prefect! PREFECT!! So when episode 306 opens with Jamie and another unknown woman intimately grooming him, and flirting with him, before he steps out for the day (Yes, I know who she is, but I’m talking non book POV here), I felt like I had cold water thrown on me. Way to kill the vibe OL production! I mean, come on, they leave you with the impression that he is intimately involved with this woman, and probably bedded her the night before. WTH?? Haven’t we had enough of “single Jamie” with other woman?? In Claire’s story we get longing, grief, ultimate sacrifice, and pinned up sexual desire.... But with Jamie, we get CONSTANT SEXUAL UNDERTONES, in his story, with other people! I mean this has been true for every single “Jamie only story” episode so far this season!! It’s too much, especially when they have made Claire celibate for 19 years. It’s really effecting my feelings for Jamie at this point, and how little I buy into his feelings for Claire; not a good way to feel going into this episode...
    So, when he faints and Claire is there, I found myself liking the content, the action, the looks and touches, the words, but still felt like something was missing.......believable emotion, mainly on Jamie’s part. What I really did like, surprisingly, was Gordie! I liked him for the comic relief that he brought, and I can’t help but think Claire is going to remove that goiter for him lol. Jamie standing in just his shirt and no pants was adorable, and Claire’s shyness was endearing (Cait is a rock star!). That first kiss was well done, but still, for me, something is missing... I’m pretty sure, it’s my perspective of Jamie at this point. I just saw him flirting with another woman as she lovingly fixed his collar tie, and now I’m suppose to buy into this passionate kiss with Claire?? It’s there, just tamped down a bit; the emotional weight of their reunion has been effected for me; his words just don’t ring with the amount of truth I would like.

  44. Now for the epic fail of the episode, big time.... Like so many fans, I think, the Brianna pictures moment is everything. Here Jamie is seeing the child he lovingly made with Claire (though we didn’t get to see that) for the first time, the child they both sacrificed everything for 20 years ago. In the book, this is a VERY emotional scene for Jamie. He loses it while looking at these pictures. LOSES IT! Show Jamie??? I didn’t even see a tear, just holding his breath here and there. He looks at the pictures so matter-of-factly , even insulting Claire when he says Bree’s name is awful (which was weirdly executed), and then, after he gets through them, he shoves them back at Claire, gets up and proceeds to tell her about his bastard son (you know the kid we all had to witness being made) and Geneva, while reaching for a beautifully painted cameo portrait of Willie, which looks ten times better than any of the pictures of Bree... While I’m at it... Was that really the best baby picture Claire could find of Bree? It’s a side profile for crying out loud; you can’t even see the baby’s face well. Claire sits there with a crest fallen look on her face as Jamie lovingly named all the “wonderful” qualities of his bastard son, after telling Claire that Bree’s name was awful no less. Jamie asks about Frank, but seems pretty non-plus about Claire’s recount of her life with Frank. Claire doesn’t even have time to process the news of Willie and Geneva, before Jamie jumps up to find out what’s happened to Mr. Willoughby. EPIC FAIL!

    The brothel- You know, in the book this bothered me. Jamie bring Claire to a brothel so he could bed her on their first night back together. It never sat well with me, but seeing it in action made me feel even more so. They walk in and naked woman are just laying around?? Jamie walks right up the madame and kisses her in front of his wife with a big smile on his face?? I know they want the audience to be questioning Jamie right now, and who this woman is to him, but it felt so over done; too much.... too much Jamie the “sex magnet” (eye-roll). Enough!

    The sex- If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be awkward. It seemed awkward with tender and loving moments. If that’s what they were going for, it worked. Honestly, I’m not going to lie or hold back here.... It gives me NO joy to say what I’m going to say. None. The sex scene between Jamie and Geneva was a better directed, edited, and executed sex scene than what we got with Jamie and Claire IMO. I hated that, in my head, I was comparing the two scenes, and found Jamie’s and Claire’s first encounter very similar to Jamie’s and Geneva’s; and unfortunately, I thought Jamie’s and Claire’s sex was very awkward and clunky compared to the smooth suave way Jamie has sex with Geneva. Shouldn’t it have been the other way around? Shouldn’t Geneva have been in pain? Shouldn’t Jamie have been uncomfortable having sex with someone who is blackmailing him? Instead we get a Casanova teaching a young pretty girl the fine art of “lovemaking”-aka Jamie’s “move with me” line, and boob licking.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I didn’t want to be thinking of Geneva, but I couldn’t help it, and it took something away from the Jamie/Claire experience for me. Why did they make those two scenes so alike???? They didn’t have to. It just makes me question Jamie’s sincerity when he is with Claire. Having sex with Jamie maybe special to Claire, hell, she hasn’t had any in over 19 years because of her love for Jamie. Jamie on the other hand lives in a brothel, is very friendly with the madame, and is having sex with Claire that’s very reminiscent of how he had sex with Geneva. All of this is effecting how I am interpreting and reacting to this reunion. I don’t trust Jamie’s words or feelings. I just don’t. Words mean nothing if there is no action behind them to reinforce there meaning and emotional weight; and here lies my next problem with the episode....
    Jamie’s words-

    “Don’t you know I’ve burned for you for so many years?”- No Jamie, she doesn’t, and nor does the audience, because you haven’t SHOWED us that, at all, during your time apart. But we did get Claire burning for you. Remember when you were naked by the fire in her “wet” dream? Yeah, episode 302.

    “You gave me a child, now we will live for ever you and I.”- Yeah, a child that you hardly showed any interest in, pushing aside her pictures so you could talk about your glorious bastard son. Aren’t you also living “together forever” with Geneva in said bastard son?? Brianna ain’t so special now is she.

    “You gave me a child, and for that I owe you a piece of my soul.”- I guess Geneva has a piece of your soul too, and probably a bigger piece, because she gave you the son that you love talking about so much.

    Yes, I know, I’m being cynical here lol. But get my point? How can I believe Jamie’s words, when his actions don’t reflect them? And that is why I think this episode has fallen a bit flat for me. I still enjoyed it though. I mean, it was their reunion after 20 years; how could I not, and I’m sure I will watch it a few more times (hoping to find the spark).

    As for the ending- Oh boy! another possible rape for Claire! I’ve never been a fan of cliffhangers like this. I think I would have rather it ended on a reflective more quite note, but I get it. They just unveiled the “big” episode of the season and they want to make sure people will tune in for more.

  47. What has happened to Claire's traveling clothes that she spent so much time on making and had sewn coins into the hem of? And what about the surgical tools and the penicillin and stuff?

  48. Meant to post earlier, they are suddenly advertising the heck out of Santa Margarita wine here in Seattle. Never heard of it until your videos - makes me laugh!

    1. I am addicted, Melissa. It's awful. I try other wines and this is always the one I come back to! Wish it were cheaper!! :)

  49. Thank you ladies for another wonderful video!!

    I was so looking forward to this episode - and I agree with you both. I was let down about the scenes in the print shop. FALLING TO PIECES!! Where was that?? I have always loved the idea that Jamie "King of Men" would be broken down over the love of his daughter. He hasn't seen Bree in person, but he can learn about her and see her with the photographs. Instead, he turns the conversation to Willie... I just don't get it. I wasn't too upset about the eye-glasses; I actually took it to be that he wanted to be sure he could see Bree, otherwise the photos would have been blurry to him. I could forgive that. The shift to Willie - and then the over-use of every adjective Jamie knows....- that turned me off. Then asking about Frank?!?! Oy...

    Mr. Willoughby was better than I had expected. He bothered me in the book, but was more likable in the show.

    Loved the reunion with Fergus! I did think it was odd when she referred to the US as "America" - would that have been right? "The Colonies" sounded more accurate for the time. The wooden hand is a bit odd, but I guess for just tv fans, they would expect something now that GOT has the golden hand..

    Why, oh why, did Jamie take Claire to the brothel? I never liked this choice in the book, but I agree with you ladies, at least it seemed more like a house in the book, rather than an orgy! And the initial conversation upstairs was overshadowed by the constant moaning and groaning. Ugh, talk about ruining the mood. The endless undressing scene was unnecessary. I think they were trying to bring back the emotion from the wedding, but it just took soooooo looonnnnggg....

    After reading Jan's comments above, I think she is right - it reminds me too much of the scene with Geneva. This reunion should have been different than either the wedding or Geneva.

    In the book, I remember being so frustrated with Jamie and all his evasiveness - and what seemed like outright lies. I do remember thinking, that Claire might just go back through the stones. The show did a better job of making me not so frustrated with Jamie, but only slightly.

    I guess we have to give the show some room to let things develop.

    All the "book is the book and the show is the show".... I'll try to remember this phrase in the coming weeks!

    Hope you have a great week ladies!

  50. What have they done to Anne Kenney? All the beautiful scenery and costumes can never make up for the terrible turn the writers have taken.They have moved me out of the Outlander Zone.
    They had me at the sewing scene in Boston and the rediculos Batman suit. And then, the Batman leap in the printshop. I am so sad that the producers have given these incredible actors and such horrendous scripts. The Willie jump was jarring.
    I have passionately watched and rewatched the series and read and reread the books. It's very disappointing to watch Outlander become almost comical. I hope they can find a way to resurrect the integrity of the show.
    I feel as if I'm watching a different series.
    The last two episodes have all but cured My Outlander Purgatory.

  51. Sorry for the grammatical and spelling issues but, just one more thing......
    Sam Hueghan is perfect and never makes a false move.
    Perhaps he needs to be directing the new episodes!

  52. Hi all,
    Haven't written in over a year, but was VERY curious on your take on this episode and the next. I 100% agree with everything you said! In addition, I think it should be considered that Jamie would not have told Claire about Willie because he was afraid of her leaving--that's why he was holding onto his other bombshell!

    "The Printshop" is a beloved scene for it's emotional content, and much of it not done with words, but with feelings, and I am confident Cat and Sam could have played that very well-if it had been written. It seems extremely odd to me that writers at this caliber didn't seem to realize that scenes do not always have to have talking!! This whole episode just seemed to lack the emotional impact that the book had, and it was not due to time constraints, it was due to writer/director choices. Such a shame.

  53. I am late to the party as we went out of town last week and am just now catching up. Def have mixed feelings about this episode. Hubby is a non book reader so not only was I trying to absorb what was happening on the screen, search the recesses of mind for the way it went down in the book, and explain it in a way that would make sense to both of us.. it was a long episode.

    Really disliked the Willie scene and the glossing over Bree. Jamie mentioned something about Bree having red hair like Faith but wasn't Jamie in prison when Faith was born and died?
    The brothel scene was distasteful and I really wanted to take it all in, the decor, the clothes, etc but was too distracted by all the flailing body parts. I am no prude but didn't feel like it needed to be that crude and in your face. The Claire and Jamie undressing part was too long and boring. Nothing about any of it was hot and smoldering. I would have been more believable if they'd had ripped each others clothes off and got to it. I mean, they've not seen each other for 20 years. Where was all that pent up sexual frustration?
    The breakfast scene was interesting and of course Claire is not dressed so when she is confronted later, she might have well been naked. Didn't she learn anything from the last time she was there? Always be prepared and ready cuz she is a shit magnet.
    Ian did not look like how I had him made up in my mind. Book Ian seemed much larger, stronger, good looking and more like Jamie's size. I realize he is still very young in this episode but pictured him to be larger and look older for his age. Loved seeing Fergus.
    As always, loved the commentary and look forward to what everyone has to say and their insights.
