
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Cameron's and HP and Proclaimers, oh MY!

OK so this just happened in my car...

I had just gotten some sausage rolls, meat pies and bridies from my favorite Scottish market...and 500 Miles came on the radio.  A big bag of Scottish goodness...HP in the cup holder...Proclaimers on the radio...

It was like the Scottish Perfect Storm!  :) 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Last Minute Scottish Halloween Costumes

The following costumes are STILL available on Amazon Prime, for one or two-day delivery...if you or your significant other are considering dressing as some cool Scots for Halloween this weekend:

Drinkin', Partyin' Scottish Dude...

Hot, Bare-chested Scottish Dude who's probably going to end up at Drinkin', Partyin' Scottish Dude's killer party after he finishes Highland dancing at the Bachelorette party...

"WTF Scottish Dude" who's miserable because his wife made him dress up fancy and go to his in-laws'.  He secretly wishes he could be at Drinkin', Partyin' Scottish Dude's house, innocently flirting with Hot, Bare-chested Scottish Dude's leftovers...


"WTF Scottish Dude's Wife" who is constantly checking to make sure he is still talking sports with her father and hasn't snuck out to go to Drinkin', Partyin' Scottish Dude's house to flirt with Hot, Bare-chested Scottish Dude's leftovers...

Laoghaire's Ho-bag Scottish Friend who is trying to get with Hot, Bare-chested Scottish Dude.

Hot, Bare-chested Scottish Dude's Fiance who has no idea he is dancing at night, in addition to working at the mill, to pay for the overpriced engagement ring her mother insisted she's entitled to.

There ya have it!!  Go check 'em out!!!  :)

Friday, October 23, 2015

The Bastard Executioner: Droughtlander Methadone

I have become extremely hooked on a new show by the awe-inspiring Kurt Sutter called The Bastard Executioner.  It takes place in 14th century Wales, and those of you who love English rule period pieces (and don't mind some blood and gore) will love it.

And let's just say there may be a certain massive redhead named Lee Jones who may help to fill the Jamie Fraser void over the next few months.  He happens to be the lead character who is fighting to save his country from English atrocities (sound familiar?)...and to say he reminds me of "Exile Jamie" at times is an understatement.  Just look at those cat eyes!!

The yummy Stephen Moyer (True Blood "Sookayyy!") and the hella-cool Katey Sagal (Mother of all mothers on Sons of Anarchy) are also leads on the show and are both very different from their characters on True Blood and Sons. SO different that you will forget all about Vampire Bill and Gemma Teller Morrow and completely lose yourself in the story.

Another lead is the plainly beautiful Flora Spencer-Longhurst...a virtual unknown (in the US) who is beyond realistic as the Baroness Lowry and is referred to by most characters as "Lady Love." The show's make up and costumes department - as well as casting directors - should all be given Emmys...because this woman is so authentic, she looks like she stepped right out of a medieval painting.  And they might as well give her one as well...because she's so believable, you can't take your eyes off her during every moment she's on the screen.

Note: the show takes a few episodes to really get under your skin, so make sure you watch a few before making up your mind.  It's on FX on Tuesday nights at 10PM Eastern.

And let me know what you think!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Scotland Fever: The Bay City Rollers are BACK

I just sat in my car in the driveway, much longer than necessary, listening to the Bay City Rollers' "I Only Want To Be With You." I found myself straining to hear the slightest whisper of a Scots accent and delighting in the little up swoop whenever they sang "what you doooo."

(I never thought to do this as an 8 year old, bopping around my house and singing their songs at the top of my lungs with my sisters, mind. Tracey and I will gladly give you a repeat in our next video.)

The fact that the Bay City Rollers are touring again brought a wee bit of warmth to my wame, that is for sure.  Tracey, Third sister, Jill and I will no doubt buy tickets if they show up in NJ/PA.

(Eric Faulkner was my absolute fave.  What about you?

Monday, October 19, 2015

Belinda, Westmoore Pottery, and Other Such Fabulousness

It has taken me WAY TOO LONG to properly THANK longtime MOP friend, Belinda...for sending me the most amazing gift on the PLANET, yo...

Do you remember the glasses Claire, Jenny, Jamie and Ian were drinking from at Lallybroch??

How could anyone forget, really...when Jenny was being all bitchy sweet to Claire...and making her feel so awful welcome.  ;)

I - in typical Carol fashion - raved about them to Tracey in a MOP video...and told the world I MUST HAVE THEM.


Belinda's awesome friend, Mary Farrell has a Pottery shop called Westmoore Pottery in Seagrove, North Carolina...and sells STUNNING glasses like the ones shown here.

Per Belinda:  "She does a lot of work for Old Salem, which is near our precious Fraser's Ridge, where I know Claire did her shopping, therefore, having pottery that looks very similar to Mary's."

These are one of a kind pieces, y' I don't know what she has in stock in the store these days.  You'll just have to stop in - or go to her website - to find out!

And this isn't just your average pottery shop.  Mary runs amazing events like 18th century cooking demonstrations in her shop's large fireplace.

So my sincere thanks go out to Belinda...for being such an amazing participant at MOP over the years.  It's kindof scary to jump into this blogging thing...but sometimes people come along and "hang out" with you online and discuss the books/show...and giggle at your videos, and the next thing you know, YEARS have passed...and it's still so much fun to blog about all things Outlander.

Thank you, Belinda, for being so incredibly generous and sending me something I will treasure forever.  :)