
Friday, June 30, 2023

MOP VIDEO: Episode 703 "Death Be Not Proud"

Outlander “Death Be Not Proud” Season 7 Episode 703 recap! My Outlander Purgatory's Carol and Tracey are back to recap the latest episode of Season 7 of Outlander, the Starz series based on Diana Gabaldon's best-selling book series. Join us as we break down every moment, including why Tracey is in an undisclosed location; why 2023 is the Summer of the Margarita; why we’ll miss wee Jem; why Bree, Roger, and the letters did not pack the emotional punch of the books (at least to Tracey); the Die Hard tribute that was the Big House explosion; why we STILL find the newspaper date storyline confusing (and why Diana Gabaldon will never be a script supervisor, lol); whether lit ether would really destroy a house; why we appreciate Jamie and Claire’s crisis of faith; why Lord John’s “people who know about William” just increased by 1; why we need to see Ian’s Cherokee friends more often; why Arch Bug as “taxman” made a lot more sense than “tachman”; why Dougal needed more accountability when it came to the French gold; why the Bugs got short shrift from the show; why we miss the white sow (and the humor it adds); why Claire’s hair grows faster when there are secrets to keep; why Ian’s actions are 100 percent justified; why everyone should have known who the current guardian of the graveyard was; the fabulous performance of Hugh Ross; why we like the exploration of Jamie’s faith side; how Jamie and Claire will deal with being empty nesters; Jemmy’s mad three-year-old navigation skillz; why Bree and Rog’s visit to Lallybroch gave us ALL. THE. FEELS; how Sam, Cait, and company have aged in the all the right ways; and MUCH MUCH MORE!! 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

MOP Breaks Down Ep 701 "A Life Well Lost!"

Outlander “A Life Well Lost” Season 7 Episode 701 SEASON PREMIERE RECAP! My Outlander Purgatory's Carol and Tracey are back to recap the PREMIERE episode of Season 7 of Outlander, the Starz series based on Diana Gabaldon's best selling book series. Join us as we break down every moment, including MOP’s official drink for summer 2023; our thoughts on the announcement of what the last season of Outlander will cover; the unconvincing Claire hangit fakeout; the Poldark shots all through the episode; Jamie Fraser as played by Liam Neeson; Girls Night at the New Bern Jail; crybaby Donner and whether or not he had a point; why Tom Christie’s stalking skillz are lacking; why Blasé Ian is the best; why being on a ship is never a good thing on Outlander; how news travels crazily fast in 1776; why we wept over Claire’s hair; which side of the Bree/Roger Donner conflict we fall on; why the only thing missing from Outlander is ninja fighting; why Claire is SO coming back from the CVS 😂; why Governor Martin clearly does not watch the news; why Sam’s hand acting was sublime; why Drunk Tom Christie shouldn’t surprise us so much; why telling rather than showing is annoying; why Jamie was very Dracula-esque in that last scene; and MUCH MUCH MORE!! 

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