
Friday, January 22, 2010

I couldna resist...


  1. I love the size of Jamie's....sporran.

  2. Wonder if Keelin would mind if I colored Ken's hair with a red marker...

  3. THIS is hilarious! Love it.

    ::whispers:: I'll take Edward off your hands, mmkay?

  4. Thats an almost impossible question. The question on what came first the chicken or the egg is easier.

  5. Where in the world did you get the teeny tiny sporen????

  6. LOL my mother in law's father was born and raised in Scotland. Her house is like a Scottish store - trinkets and figurines everywhere. And she love to send us Scottish gifts. (She has been known to send all 15 of her grandchildren matching PJs in the family tartan.) Sooooo to answer your question, Amy, that kilt is actually a BEER COZY she found somewhere, complete with teeny, tiny sporran!!! Isn't it cute?!

    The other day I tossed "pocket Edward" on my desk and he landed upside down in my "New Moon" cup from the theatre... and I thought "How the mighty have fallen" and said to myself "Poor Edward.... there can be only one." And then said "OH MY GOD I HAVE TO PHOTOGRAPH THIS" and set off to steal one of my daughter's barbies...

    PS - Agreed, Roberta. They are so different - I will always have room for both Edward and Jamie in my life.

    Post Script Scriptum - Jenn D - HANDS OFF MY EDWARD (sung like "haaaands off my drummiessss")
