
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Outlandish Observations

Let me tell you something I love about the Outlander community. Everyone is so friendly - and so willing to spread the Outlander love. We got a very cool mention from Karen over at Outlandish Observations yesterday.  It's a GREAT Outlander site and I can't wait to more thoroughly check it out once I finish the series!!


  1. Thanks very much! I'm glad you like it. :-)

    And you are absolutely right about this community. I've met so many friendly, caring, generous people through the various OUTLANDER fan sites and on Compuserve.

    Welcome to the addiction! :-)


  2. Karen, you are literally the ONLY reason I'm looking forward to finishing these books. I took a quick peek at your site yesterday and canna WAIT to go back once I know the complete Fraser saga. The calendar especially-- I am SOOOOO printing that out and hanging it up once it's safe to do so. I've thought more than once that it would be awesome to have a 365-day-a-year calendar with a different Jamie quote for each day. Maybe DG could get on that, since she has nothing better to do... ;-)

  3. Tracey - the calendar is a terrific idea, but I can't take credit for it! That was created by Jari Backman, a fan from Finland who has helped me with the dates in the "Notable Dates This Month" list on my site. Jari's site is also worth looking at in detail, when you get time.


  4. Must look - CAN'T LOOK - must look - CAN'T LOOK!!! My problem is that I'm on this computer when I should be READING!! :)

  5. So far I LOVE this site. Good Job, Carol. Sorry it took me so long to catch-up. I've been so afraid of spoilers but it seems I am safe now. I look forward to checking out Karen Henry's site at a future date.

  6. And Jenn - I always put the red "SPOILER" you can probably just skip down a post or two in the future and be OK. (LOL Listen to how nonchalant I am about MY blog. Meanwhile I won't go near anyone else's for fear of spoilers! I canna WAIT to finish the books and get on all these sites!)
