
Sunday, August 29, 2010

The My Outlander Purgatory Shop!

Whoo hoo! The MOP SHOP is up and running! Just click on "MOP SHOP" on the tabs above... and take a gander at some of the goodies I've created for you. AND - if you have any special requests... such as adding a color... or changing a style... just let me know and I'll add whatever you need! We are here to spread the Outlander love!


  1. I am assuming chat will still happen tonight? I can't miss my Purgatory chat...I gotta represent the guys...all 2 or 3 of us

  2. I LOVED the "hey sassenach....Who is Edward Cullen?"!!!!!! LOL!!! I am at work right now and my coworker probably thinks I am crazy!!!!

  3. WOW youz guyz ARE an empire!!

  4. LOVE IT!!! However...

    When you choose a black shirt the writing disappears...Mommy loves Daddy AND JAMIE FRASIER - hoping the writing is then in white???

  5. You are right Anonymous... I have to go back in and create another with different color text. If you want one, let me know and I'll make the text whatever color you want! :)

  6. Those a great!! I think you should have one that says "I'd walk through stones for you" haha

  7. Love them!!!! I definitely need a tshirt! Wonder how my 20 month old would feel about me trying to swaddle her in the wee bairn blanket LOL

  8. Love them!!!! I definitely need a tshirt! Wonder how my 20 month old would feel about me trying to swaddle her in the wee bairn blanket LOL
