
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Outlander Scarf Kits!

Thanks to DIANE for this awesome info about Clan Tartan Scarf kits from Knitters Brewing Company. SO cool. I might have to learn how to knit!!! Scarves are SO in right now - and I'm so thrilled because I wear them all winter - in or out. They just make me happy and you can change your look in a microsecond with one! I actually bought a Fraser hunting tartan scarf at the Scottish festival I went to this summer with Jenn M and Shannon... but this is a WARM scarf, whereas that one was just for show. So GIDDYAP and buy a kit!!

1 comment:

  1. I bought a kit last month and my scarf is well underway. The yarn is specially dyed so that the plaid emerges as you knit. I chose the Fraser colorway, of course.
