And here's another thing that's kindof cool to think about. What year did we leave off in Echo? 1778? Simon Fraser died in London (ahem turncoat ahem) in 1782. (He was the son of Simon the Fox who was briefly imprisoned and later got all the Fraser lands back by jumping into bed with the British government. Not that I'm judging or anything.) Could we get a glimpse of THAT storyline, perhaps, in the famous upcoming Book 8???
And here's the thing that bugs me. Should I be annoyed with the Old Fox's son, Simon, for seemingly kissing the British government's ass in the 18th century after Culloden? Should I consider him a turncoat? Or should I assume he did everything he did (including becoming close with the British Prime Minister and living on Downing Street in London when he died) in order to win back his father's stolen lands, no matter what the cost to his personal integrity? Perhaps it's a mixture of both.
Again - a big thanks to "L" for posting that link and getting my Fraser juices flowing today. I needed it.
Everything you said was verra interesting except the part where you said that James Fraser was a fictional character. Next you will be telling me there is no Santa Claus!
ReplyDeleteLOL L! Believe me... it KILLED me to type that. Seriously. He's more real than half the people I know in a weird way.
ReplyDeleteOh first things first.. First time commenter, long time reader..lol
ReplyDeleteMaybe it is my Scottish DNA but while I can applaud the restoring the clan lands.. I cannae in any way whatsoever condone or respect kissing up to, or getting in bed with the English regardless of the motivation.
Oh Richard. We are sooooo glad you're commenting. And I am WITH YA, BROTHER! How about the part in the video about him jumping up and offering to prosecute the Stuart fellow who was wrongfully accused of killing the Campbell who was overseeing the Fraser lands? UGH. I get so mad sometimes I canna see straight.
ReplyDeleteWELCOME to the blog! We are thrilled to have you here! :)
Thanks Carol... I especially enjoy your videos.. you two crack me up everytime.
ReplyDeleteI actually have Scottish, Irish, Welsh, and French blood/DNA/genes... so you can deduce that I really, really, REALLY don't like the English..lol.
And just for information's sake.. I am over halfway through Dragonfly in Amber..
Great points in your post, Carol! I have major conflicting feelings about the Scots that crawled in bed with the Brits :-( but it also reminded me of something I saw on Pillars the other day (SPOILER? not sure. But consider yourselves ALERTed) - on the show, watching Richard stick with Steven against Maud, in a desperate hope that he's choosing the right move to help him win back his lands and title. My husband was livid, but since I recently read the book, I understood Richard's actions - it's not like he had many other alternatives. SO many parallels between Pillars and Outlander- some characters are like Jamie and Aliena, proud and principled through and through, and others are like Richard and Simon, and it's difficult to say what one would do in any given situation.
ReplyDeleteAlso, LOVE the stag on the emblem. Always makes me think of the double-stag brooch worn by the Highlander in the storm watching Claire at the beginning of Outlander (written cryptically in deference to any other posters who are still where Richard is). Sigh.
Sirena (and anyone else) don't worry about posting anything.. spoiler related or non. It doesn't upset me or ruin the joy of reading the books should I know something up ahead. While knowing something ahead of time is not the most ideal choice, it does not ruin the joy or pleasure of reading a great story.
ReplyDeleteWell, Jamie Fraser didn't actually kiss up to the English when he moved to America. However, he did USE them...remember how he acquired Fraser's Ridge? But, when the time came, he did switch to the other side...the "right" side. Sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do.
ReplyDeleteI was referring more to Simon Fraser rather than Jamie about kissing up to the English. I have no problems with using the English as necessary..lol
ReplyDeleteHow come it doesna bother me when Jamie does it? Hm.
ReplyDeleteThis whole thread is making me giggle.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering if any of you fine ladies are connoisseur's of the "Water of Life"?